
We provide Non Emergency Medical Transportation rides of all varieties, including dialysis centers, hospital discharges, routine appointments, specialist clinics and many more. We also partner with brokers and facilities to provide rides to those with qualifying insurance. Please review the options below and click to learn about any that fit your needs:

Rides through Medicaid

Free for qualifying insurance

These rides must be booked through your insurance or through Access2Care. You can request Upland Transportation, LLC as your preferred provider.

Access2Care also books rides for Aetna Verizon Advantage Plan (Medicare)

Rides through Medicare

Free for qualifying insurance through UnitedHealthcare

These rides must be booked through your insurance or through SafeRide Health. You can request Upland Transportation, LLC as your preferred provider.

Private Pay Rides

Starting at $40 Round trip

For our local residents and facilities, we offer online bookings using TidyCal. Click below to book a ride!